Tuesday, August 11, 2009

How to improve math score?

If “How to improve math scores?” is haunting your mind, please bear with us and donot hesitate to read the complete post.

Math has loads to offer. Our little tornadoes are always bubbling with energy but when it comes to solving Algebra problems or figuring out the area of a cone, there comes a trouble. Most of the parents share same sentiments (don’t worry, you are not alone. :) ) But yes, if improving math scores of your child is a concern, please read forward.

If you think that we will be talking about some books or assignments kind of things because the title says “How to improve math score?….blah blah blah!” then I am sorry to disappoint you. This is beyond doubts that these suggestions to improve math score work big time( hard to admit that these are the results of some very serious scientific studies carried out on hundreds of families) but yes, fun element is always taken care of. What better than to build very strong foundations of mathematics in our children when they feel its fun!

You can choose any of these suggestions depending upon your requirement and noticing the improvement in math scores graphically would be a good idea. Try to keep a track record of how you child improves. Here is the list:

  1. Testing and tasks
  2. Math Summer Camps and Programs
  3. Math Videos
  4. Flash cards
  5. Speed Mathematics
  6. Participation in daily activities
  7. Math Games and Puzzles: Chess, Checkers, Sudoku
  8. Join Math Groups and math forums
  9. Use Yahoo Answers and Wiki answers
  10. Relax

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