Monday, August 31, 2009

Improve math score by using Flash Card

The use of Flash Cards has proven to be very meaningful for retaining any piece of information like historical facts, mathematical formulas and new vocabulary. Flash cards have been in for long now. We can teach our children how to make them and make their use. They have proved to be a very efficient mechanism to commit anything to memory. They work very well in memorizing various formulas, unit conversions and other mathematical stuff. This is how a flash card is made:

Math flash card improve math

Math flash card improve math

  • Generally, a card of 5” by 3” is the ideal for use.
  • Choose the most important and key facts from the chapter you read.
  • Label the card on the front side and put details on the rear side as shown above.
  • Try to use different color codes for different formulas.
  • When you are ready with multiple cards, start looking at the front side of each card and recall the information associated with it.
  • Repeating the process will drill the information in your brain.

For any help in math with any grade, feel free to chat with academic counselor by clicking here.

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Friday, August 14, 2009

Improve your Math by watching Math Videos

Life cant be simpler when you simply need to sit and enjoy math getting drilled in your brain without any efforts. Children simply love it. And what better if you don’t need to pay a dime for it! Makes sense? Then continue reading…

There are a lot of videos which teach you the concepts of mathematics in a very interesting way. We can find loads of math video tutorials on websites like youtube or metacafe. You can also visit specific math video channels as well.

For any help in math with any grade, feel free to chat with academic counselor by clicking here.

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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Improve math by Math Assessments and Math worksheets: Way 1

Improve math score and math skills by taking math assessment tests and solving math worksheets : Suggestion 1 on “How to improve math?”

Well, this may sound like nothing new, but it has something very meaningful to offer. Before we start working on our children to help them improve their math scores, it makes a lot of sense to know their present intellectual level and the areas where they lack in math so that those cold be improved upon. Just Google for free math assessment tests for your state and download them. You can also ask your child to do the math assessment online for free with detailed analysis by visiting here according to your state:

Math Assessment Test- Alabama

Math Assessment Test-Arizona

Math Assessment Test- California

Math Assessment Test- Colorado

Math Assessment Test- Connecticut

Math Assessment Test- Florida

Math Assessment Test- Georgia

Math Assessment Test- Guam

Math Assessment Test- Hawaii

Math Assessment Test- Illinois

Math Assessment Test- Indiana

Math Assessment Test- Kansas

Math Assessment Test- Kentucky

Math Assessment Test- Louisiana

Math Assessment Test- Maryland

Math Assessment Test- Massachusetts

Math Assessment Test- Michigan

Math Assessment Test- Minnesota

Math Assessment Test- Missouri

Math Assessment Test- Nevada

Math Assessment Test- New Jersey

Math Assessment Test- New York

Math Assessment Test- North Carolina

Math Assessment Test- North Dakota

Math Assessment Test- Ohio

Math Assessment Test- Oklahoma

Math Assessment Test- Pennsylvania

Math Assessment Test- South Carolina

Math Assessment Test- South Dakota

Math Assessment Test- Tennessee

Math Assessment Test- Texas

Math Assessment Test- Virginia

Math Assessment Test- Washington

Math Assessment Test- West Virginia

Math Assessment Test- Wyoming

Now after these math assessment tests, you may start giving math worksheets to the children daily on the week areas. A good idea which generally works with children is sticking their daily task (like math worksheet) on your refrigerator and ask them to submit the answers in the same way. As a feedback, you can give some goodies to them on basis of their performance. You can hide their present somewhere and then give hints to them on the refrigerator itself (kinda treasure hunt!). It works well with kids.

You can download free math worksheets with their answers by clicking here.

For any help in math with any grade, feel free to chat with academic counselor by clicking here.

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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

How to improve math score?

If “How to improve math scores?” is haunting your mind, please bear with us and donot hesitate to read the complete post.

Math has loads to offer. Our little tornadoes are always bubbling with energy but when it comes to solving Algebra problems or figuring out the area of a cone, there comes a trouble. Most of the parents share same sentiments (don’t worry, you are not alone. :) ) But yes, if improving math scores of your child is a concern, please read forward.

If you think that we will be talking about some books or assignments kind of things because the title says “How to improve math score?….blah blah blah!” then I am sorry to disappoint you. This is beyond doubts that these suggestions to improve math score work big time( hard to admit that these are the results of some very serious scientific studies carried out on hundreds of families) but yes, fun element is always taken care of. What better than to build very strong foundations of mathematics in our children when they feel its fun!

You can choose any of these suggestions depending upon your requirement and noticing the improvement in math scores graphically would be a good idea. Try to keep a track record of how you child improves. Here is the list:

  1. Testing and tasks
  2. Math Summer Camps and Programs
  3. Math Videos
  4. Flash cards
  5. Speed Mathematics
  6. Participation in daily activities
  7. Math Games and Puzzles: Chess, Checkers, Sudoku
  8. Join Math Groups and math forums
  9. Use Yahoo Answers and Wiki answers
  10. Relax

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